May 24, 2022

CV vs. Resume: When to Use a CV and When to Use a Resume?

Have you ever wondered why a Brit applicant submits a CV while an American submits a resume?
And why does an Aussie submit both (CV and resume)?
Yes, there are a few differences and confusion. This article will clarify them. And will tell you where to use which one (a CV vs. a resume).
Stay tuned.

CV vs. resume differences

1. A CV is more detailed. It includes -
  •  information about your education, 
  • work experience, 
  • skills, 
  • research experience and publications,
  •  professional affiliations and other relevant details. 
In contrast, a resume is shorter, and it includes -
  • a summary of your work experience and skills,
  • educational information (degrees earned and schools attended),
  • awards or honors received.
2. Generally, a resume is one paged document, whereas a CV is a more detailed document that can be several pages long.
3. The proper places to use a CV are 
  • when you apply for a job in academia 
  • or seek funding for a research project.
And we use resumes for regular jobs in companies.
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Let's revise:
CV is static, long, and covers your whole career.
A resume is customizable, short, and has no specific format rule. But you can read this article to get an idea about the best resume format.
Now you know how a CV is different than a resume. What do you say?

Resume versus CV examples

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Usage around the world: CV (Curriculum Vitae) Vs. Resume

  • New Zealand, the UK, and Ireland citizens use CVs in all cases, and they do not use resumes at all.
  • Australians, Africans, and Indian use the term CV (Curriculum Vitae) and resume interchangeably. The word "resume" is used more for jobs in the private sector. On the other hand, the term CV is used if they apply for public service positions.
  • In the United States and Canada, a resume is the preferred application document.
Americans and Canadians use a CV when applying for jobs in other countries or 
 when looking for academic or research-related positions.

Some frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Q: Is a four-page CV excessively long?

Answer: According to the experts' opinions, more than four pages of CVs are too long. They will spend about eight seconds determining whether you're worth a call.

Q: Should you include a photo on your CV?

Answer: It depends on where you are applying. If you are confused, avoid including your photo to stay in the safe zone.

Q: Can you add color to your resume?

Answer: Definitely, you can. Adding color makes your resume stands out from the resumes of other applicants. But don't overuse it, and be assured it looks professional.

Q: Can a CV (Curriculum Vitae) be double-sided (front and back)?

Answer: Please don't do this. It looks completely unprofessional if you print a double-sided CV. A hiring manager doesn't get all of your CV information at once. It's better to print out a two-page CV and paperclip them together.

Q: Should a CV (Curriculum Vitae) be stapled?

Answer: It's better to paperclip your CV rather than stapling it so that the hiring manager can easily remove the clip and can scan it if he needs.

Wrap up

So we can conclude that a resume is a one-page document that typically lists your education, work experience, skills, and accomplishments. 
A CV is a long-form document (two or more pages) and detailed that lists your education, academic history, work experience, research experience, publications, awards, and other achievements. 
Generally, you can use a resume when applying for jobs, and you can use a CV when applying for academic positions or when seeking grants or scholarships. 
However, there is no set rule, and you may use either document depending on the situation.
I think after reading the article; you don't have any more confusion regarding the CV vs. resumedifferences. What do you think? 
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