October 19, 2021

How to build the perfect portfolio to land a remote job

1. One master resume should be updated regularly 

Regard a master resume to be an ongoing collection of all your professional achievements and experience in various jobs. This is where you'll pour all of the information you've ever considered included on a resume.

For the time being, don't worry about the length of this document; the aim is to get all of your thoughts down and construct a list of items you may use to create more focused resumes later.

So include all of your schooling, online coursework, and awards, as well as any positions or work experience that may or may not be relevant to your present remote job hunt.

2. Browser job ads and job descriptions

Most candidates are unaware that they have everything they need to write a knockout CV right in the job ad's description. These descriptions take a long time to write for hiring teams. As a result, treat them like a cheat sheet and provide them with exactly what they're searching for.

To do so, follow these steps:

  • To begin, copy and paste the whole job advertisement into a new document. This will provide you with a functional model to update based on your skills/experience vs. what they're looking for.
  • Then, underline particular industry terms and phrases. These are the passwords you'll use to prove to hire managers that you're a great candidate.
Finally, determine the tone and match it. You must also be able to read the room in order to learn how to adapt your CV for each employer. Some job postings will be more formal, while others may be more informal. To connect with potential employers at these firms, your resume must reflect this tone.

Reading job advertising with attention will also help you notice minor information that other applicants may overlook. Companies may request that you submit your application with a certain topic line and follow specific guidelines.

3. Make it appealing to the eye

While a well-designed CV will impress recruiters, be sure your creativity is professional. When creating a modern CV, keep the following points in mind:

  • Make sure the typeface you're using is readable. Georgia, Times New Roman, Calibri, or Helvetica are examples of professional fonts.
  • Font size: Choosing a font that is the right size will guarantee that a recruiter can read the content of your resume. 
  • Template: Keep your designs simple and attractive to the eye. If you're using a template, make sure the aesthetic aspects don't take away from your resume's content.
When deciding on a color scheme, use one that is aesthetically pleasing.

Bonus tips

  • Compose a two- to three-sentence elevator pitch or personal branding statement that explains what you do, what you're interested in, and how you can help the company thrive. 
  • Mention why you'd like to work for this particular firm. You may desire to work as a developer, but it's up to you to convince hiring managers why you want this specific developer position and why you'll be a good match.
  • Link to your work, digital portfolio, website, and more to make your CV more dynamic. These will demonstrate both your strong point of view and you are exceptional abilities.

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