October 12, 2021

Jobs at Toptal | Senior React Developer – Remote

Toptal remote jobs

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Toptal is a global system of world-class talent in business, design, and technology. Join now for jobs at Toptal and work from home as a senior React developer -Remote for leading brands and startups.

When you’re good at what you do, it’s worth it to find others at your level. At REMOTEful, we show the major 3 to 5 percent freelance talent in business, design, and technology.

Are you curious and needy to grow your skills while working for an exciting new enterprise? Freedom and flexibility are central elements of a career with REMOTEful. We are a superfast startup that is shifting the future of work. Committed to providing an inspiring career that will develop your maximum potential. Our team of remotely based engineers is the power behind some of the most successful start-ups. 

We actively participate in driving and accelerating the success of these businesses; you will have the opportunity to work on several challenging projects, sharing knowledge as well as learning from fellow REMOTEful colleagues. 

Our success is determined by yours and working together with a set of common goals and values, you will grow with us.

What is the role of a remote React developer?

 Senior React developerRemote will be responsible for developing web-based software, applications, and other programming elements for your client while working from home. In this work from home position. 

You may plan software development, supervise data modeling, solve technical, performance, or scalability challenges as they arise. Software engineering standards can be defined and enforced with your help.

Developing complex web applications regularly, maintaining and improving automated software deployment pipelines, and working in a fast-paced agile environment where you can collaborate with other developers as needed are all possibilities. The majority of remote React developers work as part of a larger team, but if you are hired by a smaller company, you may work independently.

6 essential skills for React web developers

React is the most potent library available today for front-end developers. Simply put, learning React helps you become a better developer, and many organizations consider these skills to be essential for success. 

Senior React developers should be eager to learn, improve, and audit the skills required to work with Facebook's well-known JavaScript Library (JSL).

Test yourself against these six essential skills for React developers to see how you perform better with jobs at Toptal.

HTML and CSS are common knowledge for anyone working on the front end of a website. Every company needs to be able to work with and create user interfaces. As a general rule of thumb, react developers should work with and write semantic HTML tags.
  • Get familiar with CSS selectors and write them yourself.
  • CSS reset should be implemented.
  • Know how to reset the box model to the border-box.
  • Flexbox knowledge is essential.
Properly utilize media queries and work with responsive web principles.

You don't touch HTML at all in React. While working on your React project, you'll be using one of Reacts most remarkable extensions: JSX. You might mistakenly think of JSX as HTML-flavored JavaScript because of its similarity to HTML. With JSX, you don't have to learn anything new if you already know HTML and CSS.

React is used as a foundation for JSX, which is an abstraction on top of that foundation. It's essential to the library because the API would be challenging to scale, so the React team went with it in the first place.

To build an entire application, one could use React.createElement(), but this is no more efficient than using HTML. By incorporating Markup into our template logic, it may appear as though we've gone backward. However, after just a few minutes with JSX, you'll be smitten with the new style.

3.   JavaScript Fundamentals + ES6
You can't do much with React unless you have a firm grasp of the JavaScript language's foundational concepts, but these ES6 skills are also necessary:

Scope and variables

It's critical to know when and where you can get the data you require. JavaScript's variable mechanism allows us to store data in memory and retrieve it later for use in our applications.

ES6 introduced new keywords, such as 'let' and 'const,' which can store variables instead of the traditional 'var' keyword. The decision to use 'const' as your default structure until your linter tells you otherwise is entirely up to you.

An Object and Arrays

If you use React, your 'view is a function of your state. In arithmetic terms, that means v is equal to f(s), which you should keep in mind as you brush up on the library's fundamentals.

This data is stored in memory and can be accessed by our users to interact with our data. All of the data we present is stored on a state object, and properties on this state object provide access to these data bits. To give React its name, whenever the state changes, the view is updated. As a result, your view 'reacts' to changes made to your state object. Object-oriented design.

Polishing up on object mutation and property value changes is a great idea. Not to worry, React takes care of the mechanism through a handy'setState()' function.

Array methods 

The ability to store and access data within arrays and objects is one thing. It's an entirely different matter to be able to use that data effectively. Every developer's toolkit should include the built-in JavaScript array methods. Use '. map,'. ' filter,' and. ' reduce' to their full potential for more significant impact.

Arrow functions and functions

Every component you create in React is, in some way, a function. Always keep in mind that 'classes' are nothing more than 'function Object () {[native code]} functions.' When creating 'functional components' or 'class components,' you're employing some form of function, regardless of the syntax you use.

These fundamentals cannot be overstated. Modern practices lend themselves well to functional programming, as evidenced by the numerous options available. It's like putting together a Lego set without any instructions when using JavaScript functions to build out small UI chunks. 

Formal component logic and state data are all contained in a single UI element. This means that each UI element is a single encapsulated function. To put it another way, you're given a set of Lego bricks and must assemble them into a working system.

Event handlers and DOM manipulation

Manipulating DOM elements is uncommon in React. Don't forget that we now have the JSX abstraction as a tool in our toolkit. React's native event object is wrapped in a class called the SyntheticEvent, which is accessed through standard DOM manipulation. 

Make sure you can attach various HTML events such as 'onclicks', 'onchange','mouseenter', etc. to HTML elements.

The "This" Keyword

The JavaScript keyword 'this' is frequently misused. Consider 'this' to be a pointer to a particular item. For example, you don't have to use the object's name when using the 'this' keyword to refer to it.

Functions with a higher level of abstraction and callbacks

The 'input/output model of functional programming is based on the notion that functions can be passed around as arguments in high-order functions and callbacks.

In React, handlers are passed from one place to another. To pass handlers, you'll most often use methods chained to an object and accessed as properties, which will be included in the prototype chain. You may need to go outside of the React component paradigm or create a few different types of components that share functionality.

Known as "advanced" React patterns, these patterns are starting to make their way into better/standard practices. As you scale with React, you'll be pushed to be innovative and creative. 

Prototypes, design, and construction of objects

In many ways, react lends itself to the functional programming model. On the other hand, you are immersed in a world of classes and the creation of objects. If you know how JavaScript's prototype chain works, you'll have a good understanding of how inheritance works in JavaScript.

Keep in mind that JavaScript lacks traditional classes. Using the class keyword in JavaScript is like adding icing on top of the cake.

The keyword 'class' is used here.

Classes in JavaScript are different from classes in the traditional sense of the word. Classes are created to hold your template logic, formal JavaScript logic, and even styles referred to as components.

Only two ways to write the essential component are declared: as a function or as a class. These are the foundation of any React application.

Test your knowledge of classes by answering the following question: How do I create methods for a class?
  • Which of those methods should I use to link them all together in a single class?
  • What's the best way to get at function Object () {[native code]} properties?
  • How do I make objects that are 'children' of parent objects?
4.   Git
Git is an essential part of every developer's toolkit because it allows them to store projects on services such as GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. 

The following are skills that should be part of your everyday routine:  
  • Tracking changes with the add, commit, push, and pull commands.
  • Branching and merging strategies
  • Branching and merging strategies
5.   The use of Node.js and npm
Many people will be surprised to learn about Node. Client-side React developers don't need to know how to work with Node.js. Even though you can use React in any HTML file, there are many other packages available that let you extend the functionality provided by the React library.

The npm registry is critical knowledge for React developers. Developers will be able to get the software to assist them in developing software by visiting this location. The npm is nothing more than cloud storage for packages we refer to as dependencies, which is kind of amusing.

Comparing yarn and npm

Yarn is a package manager designed to work with the Node.js package registry. The yarn helps your npm processes run more smoothly. 

Although Yarn and npm are currently competing in the Node/npm ecosystem, Yarn's mission has been to solve many of the problems that the Node/npm ecosystem accepts. npm has made every effort to follow Yarn's guidelines and patterns.

6.   Redux
A red flag has been raised regarding one or more sensitive topics. State management is built-in to React. State updates are notoriously asynchronous, which has led to many developers getting burned along the way. Redux was created for these reasons, as well as scalability. 

A great deal can be done with Redux than just managing states. It's not a methodology but an approach to working with data that has its own set of beliefs.

Redux is based on functional programming and immutability principles, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution for every problem. Being familiar with React fundamentals before diving into Redux is critical.

Check out our in-depth post on the road to web development to learn more about the various skills you'll need to be a successful web developer.

Do you rock your role? Find out. Get your position of senior React Developer –Remote at Toptal.

How much does a React Developer make?

Senior React Developer jobs at Toptal in the United States pay an average of $108,175 per year as of October 4, 2021.

Using a salary calculator, that works out to $52.01 per hour. This equates to $2,080 per week or $9,015 per month in earnings.

React Developer salaries currently range from $86,000 to $132,500, with the top earners (90th percentile) in the United States making $151,500 annually, while REMOTEful salaries range from $163,000 to $14,500 annually.

The average salary for a React Developer ranges so widely (from $23,900 to $43,900). The years of experience and where you live may lead to multiple potentials for promotion and higher income.

This is because there aren't many companies actively hiring React Developers right now, according to recent job posting activity on REMOTEful.

The average yearly salary for a Senior React Developer in your area is $108,175, the same as the national average of $108,175. California has the best average salary for React developers, followed by New York and Texas.

REMOTEful scans its database of millions of active jobs posted locally across the globe to calculate the most accurate yearly salary range for React Developer jobs.

Find your next high-paying job as a Senior React Developer –Remote on REMOTEful today.

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